Anaesthesia by Effetto VIOLA ™


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★ Innovative technology, synchronizes brain waves ★★ Derived from the PRO version, used by the best athletes in the world (Olympic, SBK riders, etc) ★★ Deep relaxation, reduces STRESS ★★ Science and Technology: active ingredient scientifically proven by international literature ★★ Fast and simple to use (you only need a pair of compatible earphones), It has no side effects ★This app is developed also for supporting the "Festival of Science 2016 (Italy, Genoa)", from laboratory E.O. Galliera hospitals - "Music makes its mark".
Anaesthesia by Effetto VIOLA™ is a neurostimulator that can synchronize the brainwaves of the listener, bringing them to the frequency characteristics of a state of calmness, well-being and relaxation. The innovative production algorithm (DMSPS) is associated with a patent for the inclusion of ultrasonic subliminal messages. All carried by Pop/Modern music.
The application allows the 'offline’ listening option, allowing the use on public transport (subways, train, airplane) while saving data traffic.Read carefully instructions and F.A.Q. before use.
Using ANAESTHESIA by Effetto VIOLA ™ is very simple: just download the APP, hear special sound tracks with compatible earphones for at least 13 minutes and wait for its effects, noticeable after just a few moments from the end of listening. When you use it you will not feel any strange sounds nor a New Age music, but some Pop and Classical songs apparently normal.
Tracks are continuously updated.
Effect SRLs Viola is an Italian startup, qualified in the Ministry of economic development as INNOVATIVE. The company is divided into 3 sectors, namely: Software House (for App development, ANAESTHESIA), The Bioengineering (for the development of our DMSPS algorithm, the heart of the project), and the Music Production (the developed technology carrier is the music) .
We are also active in research, through various on